Dr John Kirk


Cambridge PhD, biochemist, physicist and life-long wine lover.

A visionary pioneer of the modern Canberra District wine industry.

A leading Australian scientist (that was his other job) who is a world authority on what light does in water and how it effects photosynthesis. Besides many other things, a maker of hand crafted musical instruments and the author of numerous books.

John planted the first vines in the Canberra District in 1971.

He has successfully disengaged himself from the day to day running of the business now but can still be seen monitoring the progress of his beloved vineyard.

Tim Kirk


Our Chief Winemaker and famous genius, extraordinarily talented super-duper wine legend with no official winemaking education, other than what his Dad taught him.

He was the Gourmet Traveller Winemaker of the Year in 2013, and has been nominated a few other times, so it seems he has a pretty good handle on the winemaking process.

However, for all the accolades he’s received, he’s just a down to earth guy. He loves his family (possibly a fraction more than wine!) and his guitar, and keeps a guitar in his office, which he’d much rather play than do the businessy-stuff of running a company.

When we hear it a-strumming, we know someone’s trying to get him to focus on admin. Sigh. Tim is also a part-time preacher, so if the Spirit moves him when he has a microphone in his hand, make yourselves comfortable folks.

Stephen Kirk


As Stephen is the youngest of the six Kirk brothers, he has been involved with Clonakilla from…well, his birth.

He has been a Board member for many years, but is now our CEO and has an office on-site to dwell amongst the Clonakilla hoi-polloi.

The dotting of i-s and crossing of t-s has never been done in such an affable fashion! No stuffy, suit-wearing, loud phone call making, whip-cracking, egomania from THIS guy.

Not only is Stephen pretty good at administration, he’s pretty handy with a guitar, and is a recognised contemporary Christian songwriter (not even joking).

He thoroughly enjoys getting amongst the waves at the beach, which would allow him to have a private little cry when he thinks about what he sometimes encounters when dealing with Clonakilla staff.

The board

Clonakilla is a family company. The board is made up of John and Tim Kirk together with Tim’s brothers Kiaran (Chairman), Michael, Jeremy and Stephen.

We are privileged to work with a great team to bring you our beautiful wine

Chris Bruno


Chris hails from an Italian winemaking family, so caught the bug early. He’s worked at some very nice places around the traps (pick a few of the Estates listed on Langton’s Classification), so is most handy to have around the winery.

He worked Vintage 2019 with us, and proved himself to be excellently efficient so much so that we offered him the position of Winery Manager which he accepted.

Jeff Fook

Vineyard Foreman

Technically, Jeff is our Vineyard Foreman. Actually, he runs the place. He knows when every single grape is ready to be harvested, the condition of every single leaf, and has sometimes been found with a handful of earth in a vineyard, murmuring gently.

He grows, he harvests, he tractors, he forklifts, he bottles, he restocks, he brings us freshly butchered lamb/venison/offal/fish/gnu, freshly grown fruit and vegetables and is the keeper of our unofficial winery dog family. Jeff is all muscle – heart muscle, that is.

Brad Bremer


Brad is Jeff’s assistant and is our very own gentle giant. When we ask Brad to help us move a big heavy thing, he’ll generally pick the whole thing up, and just casually toss it to wherever you need. Okay, or you can just do it for me, Brad…….He also loves burning around on our mower – so our mowing gets done super-fast. When not toiling about the place in his hi-vis, Brad can sometimes be found in his black & white, serving food and drink at a posh joint.

Brad Bremer

David Reist

General Manager

David not only manages generally, but also looks after every single aspect of our wine sales, from the restaurant phoning their order through, to getting our wines safely into the shipping container, encompassing every one of our stockists from our Cellar Door to London to New York and his home country Canadia.

A talented photographer, he is also responsible for all the beautiful photographic imagery on our website and beyond – no wonder there have been two Gourmet Traveller Wine magazine covers so far. David is also a grandfather, and we’re all constantly bombarded with the cuteness of his grandchildren. They are exceptionally gorgeous, to be fair.

Annabelle O’Connell


Annabelle is our Office Manager, Garden Guardian, and Events Co-ordinator. 

She would ideally like to spend all her time keeping our gardens looking beautiful, but we are very grateful that she allows us to use her significant and indispensable talents in many other ways, from packing and shipping wine to liaising with customers, looking after WHS, organising events, and too many other things to mention. 

Annabelle has recently become a grandmother and can confirm that grandparenthood is as wonderful as people say it is.

Annabelle O'Connell

Rob Kearon

Cellar Door Manager

Rob is our Cellar Door Manager. He has come to us from years of serving beautiful wines in restaurants, and of course would much rather be here than anywhere else. He has also worked extensively in France (as you do), and has served Clonakilla wines to wealthy Europeans well before having started working here. There will be no obnoxious sales speak, just a good chat with a decent bloke about great wine.

Chiara Catanzariti


Chiara is responsible for keeping our day-to-day finances in order. So, one may assume she is a ‘boring accountant’ – not so! She is bright and bubbly, clever and kind.

Sometimes we think she’s on the phone with one of her besties, the conversation is so jolly, but she’s chasing up debts!

How on earth does one achieve that? If you’re as kind and cheerful as Chiara, that’s how. She has also lowered the office staff average age by about 10 years, so we know all the words. Send it.

Cate Signor

Financial Controller

Our Finance Controller, Cate is one of the least controlling personalities for such a title. She is one of our newest staff members, but honestly it feels like she’s been here for years – in a good way!

Cate has the decency to ask us financial questions in layperson’s terms; that way we know what she’s talking about and can answer appropriately.

Don’t let her niceness lull you into a false sense of security though – Cate’s extensive experience in finance-land allows her to know when some straight talkin’ is in order.

She knows the words people, and she’s not afraid to use ‘em.

Aodhan Kirk

Sales, Vineyard and Winery

Aodhan is John’s grandson, Tim’s son, Stephen’s nephew. He’s one of the most decent young chappies you will ever meet. As is the way of the Kirk, he’s clever, funny, willing and able.

Aodhan has been a winery team member for the last few years, and has recently stepped into some sales work as well.

He is the go-to for all the deep, spiritual questions that get pondered over during vintage….look, all that fermented grape juice vapour gets one thinking, does it not? Are we really here for other reasons than wine…?

We also love that Aodhan lives close by and his beautiful young family visit us often.

Mattis Heinrich

Vineyard, Winery and Cellar Door

It’s probably easier to list what Mattis doesn’t do around here really. He’s part of the winemaking team, the vineyard team, the cellar door team, and we regularly receive comments about his knowledge and friendliness from cellar door visitors, which is not surprising.

He is also capable, intelligent, generous, handsome, witty, stylish, and all the things you say to someone to butter them up (he can cook like no-one’s business so we need to keep him here as long as possible).