1970 - 1979

From little things


John Kirk establishes Clonakilla Vineyard on a forty-four acre farm near the village of Murrumbateman forty kilometres north of Canberra.

As it turned out the climatic and soil conditions to produce superfine wool were pretty similar to what was needed to produce superfine wine.

John Kirk


The Shiraz Viognier achieves an Outstanding ranking on the Langtons Classification of Australian Wine.


Realising the need for a reliable water source after suffering through a drought, a bore is sunk and the plantings are increased to two and a half acres.


The Shiraz Viognier achieves an Outstanding ranking on the Langtons Classification of Australian Wine.

Some argue this is Australia's greatest red wine, it is certainly one of the greatest Shirazs
The Wall Street Journal


The 2001 Shiraz Viognier wins Penguin Wine Guide Wine of the Year. It also picks up Best Red and Best Shiraz scooping

“…the pool as our favourite red this year…it’s simply superb.”


The Shiraz Viognier achieves an Outstanding ranking on the Langtons Classification of Australian Wine.

Classic cool climate spice character at its best

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Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

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As it turned out the climatic and soil conditions to produce superfine wool were pretty similar to what was needed to produce superfine wine.

John Kirk
Easily the most beautiful young Australian wine I drank this year
Max Allen

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed odio dui. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.


The Shiraz Viognier achieves an Outstanding ranking on the Langtons Classification of Australian Wine.


As much as we loved our old cellar door (the original winery which was built in the seventies by Dr. John Kirk with the help of his sons) the time had come for us to build a new long term home for the family business.

We opened our new Clonakilla cellar door and office complex on March 12, 2016. It’s a beautiful, light filled space. We used local stone and reclaimed timber in the construction and there’s a large fireplace surrounded by a striking stone wall. As you stand at the tasting bar built from deconstructed barrels you look up through the vineyards at the renovated Clonakilla windmill at the top of the hill. It’s the perfect place to encounter the Clonakilla story, to come and taste what this landscape has to say through the medium of wine.

Shiraz Viongier 2021 bottle

It has been a remarkable journey for Clonakilla. When John Kirk planted the first vines in 1971 he had no idea that his vineyard would one day be celebrated as one of the best in the country. Along the way there have been trials and tribulations as well as moments of unprecendented success.

Over time something important has become clear: Murrumbateman and Shiraz are one of those rare combinations in the world of wine that can produce something truly exciting.